Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bound Toward

Bound toward the filamented future

They travelled, the cheerful vagabond men the
Twirling castanet clicking women

Bound toward the filamented future

Stepping lightly over the damaged past
Journeying together a single shining
thread within the embrace of the 
Infinite ribboning  "Think" way 
Women and Men

Bound toward the filamented future 

Dancing o'er the horizon of 
The power of the connected 
manifested WE

Yet to be realized
Curling like a crested wave

Bound toward the filamented future 

Dr. Pearl Ketover Prilik


  1. "Yet to be realized
    Curling like a crested wave"

    Beautiful poem, Pearl and the above...this part shines for me. Smiles to you!!

  2. Love the repetition. Interesting line set against a damaged past...tender, fragile.
