Saturday, February 22, 2014

Egg Shell Trust

Egg Shell Trust  

 trusted me to bring home the eggs
true, not a test with a very high standard
but a trial - in form of course
where I could put my eight-year-old  mug on the line and 
erase the dozen other tasks  I’d blown, 
like a stick in the wind of my older sapling-siblings.
She trusted me to bring home the eggs,
I walked each step pride poised as a high-wire guy
suspended between store and doorway until 
I reached the room where she lay, 
gray and trying for a smile against the white sheets, 
her breath wafted sweet as rotted apricots – 
waiting for me to unlid the box and reveal
those dozen eggs, gleaming, unscarred, perfect
in her egg-shell-shattered world, 
She gave me a thumbs up -
and for a mystic moment 
in a shivery shaft 
of setting sunlight
all was healed

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Conscience Court

Conscience Court

there is no safe support from 
the virus of the mind – no surcease 
from the riot of thought in raucous party 
dress running with wild abandon smashing
the frames of convention peeking around corners 
shouting “Boo!” with tricks that have even the brave 
terror-jump, heart pounding 
there is no cure for the virus of the mind, it must simply 
slash its vicious course saber-through - shattering each protected portal – 
until tempest bored - it vanishes leaving shambles in its wake
Later, only later 

drained and desolate
on some far off,  real or imagined shore 
soaked in light
seeking balance and balm 
visions dissolve into
 distant memory of floating filaments of phantoms
vanished in the comfort of aqua waters of a crystal sea –
only later -  clarity restores when wages for a forgotten debt
have been reimbursed -  thoughts reassemble in gentle cursive
lines of order tiptoeing in the tide, touching grace notes up and down 
white sands of an again unwritten shore


The Sunday Whirl « weekly wordles

Thursday, February 13, 2014

14 Poems for 14 Words For Love 2014 VALENTINE'S DAY EVENT - created/administered by Jodi Barnes

14 Poems for 14 Words of Love 

dancer girl
twirls atop
the music
box playing
tinkling, shimmering
forever dreams
en pointe


reaches she of smashed
fingers, acid burned face
to rock the cradle
of hope


hunger knows no child
hatred a dictionary word
boundaries melted long ago
new world


in the smoke rising
from the ashes swirling
you shake your head
and smile


wire imprint on
soft pressed cheek
gates swing open
on a new day
little one


second time love
lingers like honey
salve to singed
soul-wings healed
soaring again


at the glittering
shore dancing barefoot
baby on my hip
forever young


cracked lips smile over
the rim of the cup
at the hand pouring
the water


Liquid eyes raised
above a blossoming
palm-print bruise
smiles above ice
apply love 


Lion licks the lamb
in celestial fields, city streets,
savannahs, arctic poles
peace all
In this spinning blue
marble we all share
no need to hold tight
stuck together


Come into the circle
Sit and warm your cold
bones, your battered body
safe here


There in the cold rain
two emerald eyes
puff of coal black
seeks Forever Home


Skipping softly in
the red dust
hand in hand
clasped in laughter
No boundaries


Wrapped in lace
held in hope
lines etched in
ninety birthdays gone
she waits