Friday, May 31, 2024

in the night

in the night 

There in the corner something

scurry scratching, scrabbling 

my breath coming in short 

pants .. I restrain them .. 

In the sudden stillness

a cricket sings outside 

or closer, always  hard to tell 

There in the corner by the 

ceiling something flutters

wings flicker fast across

my eyes swallowed by 

the navied night 

There in the corner across the room

high up where I cannot see – 

chirrup, chirrup, chirrup, chirrup

rat, mouse, wounded bird .. 

damaged soul?

Its pain screams quietly 

ending all possibility of sleep

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Ask not....

we were children 

at the cusp of puberty

junior high school beginning

childhood tossed behind us

like castaway pigtails, worn

out sneakers, dolls and toys -

A new president held us entranced

when he spoke with long vowels 

and wavy brown hair declaring 

the things that we were taught at home.

He was clearly ours – we learned of Camelot

unsure whether he was creator or symbol

it mattered little – there was talk of moon

shots and stirrings of unity … he sailed a

sailboat hair ruffling in the wind - and we 

were twelve or thereabouts and not yet 

wearing flowers in our hair but in our hearts – 

our open hearts – so tender and open –so very

easily pierced, and bloodied that afternoon when 

school  announced early dismissal… 

of life that we then realized was  

but a dream that we dreamt.

the voice stilled – a real man’s 

skull blown away ….

Ask not...

Ask not...

we were children 

at the cusp of puberty

junior high school beginning

childhood tossed behind us

like castaway pigtails, worn

out sneakers, dolls and toys -

A new president held us entranced

when he spoke with long vowels 

and wavy brown hair declaring 

the things that we were already 

taught at home.

He was clearly ours – we learned of Camelot

unsure whether he was creator or symbol

it mattered little – there was talk of moon

shots and stirrings of unity … and we were

twelve or thereabouts and not yet wearing

flowers in our hair but in our hearts – our

open hearts – so tender and open -so easily 

pierced and bloodied that afternoon when 

school  announced early dismissal 

of life that we realized was  

but a dream that we dreamt.