Sunday, March 17, 2019

This year

This year 

this year as fires wave 
too much silence to find
in the face of implacable 
Mother Earth - garments 
shredding, poets writing, 
as the world searches for 
one or three or any wise 
men or women - a bright 
star to see - as heads 
across this globe are 
bowing under the weight 
of hatred loosed -
this year as fires wave -
sweet rain is gathering 
ready to fall fast and soft
on all fires - freeing 
to be born 

Friday, March 15, 2019

By the seat of my pants

There was a time when
all was planned in neat
boxes around school
schedules and papers
due and yet to be
written or graded
or published or tossed
There was a time when
all was planned in neat
seasons of time –
blowing cold, warm,
rustling leaves
bright blossoms
There was a time when
death was a nightmare
from which one would
be kissed awake and
held cuddled in the
dark by strong in-
vincible arms –
and tomorrow
was planned
and certain
to arrive
on time
there ..

Saturday, March 2, 2019



I crawl on scraped knees and belly 
through a found small  wormhole in 
that solid barrier around your heart 
the one you built to keep out this un-
wanted banished immigrant did
not take much to decide to pay your 
implied tithe, I offer a bright vial of my 
blood dripping from a slashed  heart - 
this desperate offering to indifference -
Yet, I watch the tide of your love recede, 
and I am left prostrate on a barren shore 
with only a stern chide against myself 
           and the vanishing dream of 
a smooth ride as my only companions.