"Je Who?" - This Time Paris
She skipped past the building
stepped over a sign "Je Suis
Charlie" - In the clubs she
heard about this "guy" Charlie
She had not packed her soul
on this vacation from thought,
She was not about to capitulate
to a single instant of sad or vaguest
ennui – No, she was no one but
herself -for herself, flipping hair
swishing her hips, shaking off a
slivered-sense of chill in the
predawn light as she walked
streets as she had imagined un-
She had not packed her soul
on this vacation from thought,
She was not about to capitulate
to a single instant of sad or vaguest
ennui – No, she was no one but
herself -for herself, flipping hair
swishing her hips, shaking off a
slivered-sense of chill in the
predawn light as she walked
streets as she had imagined un-
encumbered - She had come
after all to Paris – for fun
not to condemn, generate
after all to Paris – for fun
not to condemn, generate
or navigate even the slimmest
channel of what was "politics"-
channel of what was "politics"-
after all -she shrugs, smiles
in stumbling circles - Turns -
with arms akimbo and sings -
above distant crying voices
“Render unto me only pleasure”-
Slurring-sloppily-her silly
scurrilous self talk - sacrilege
in the site of light from Eiffel
Tower to Arc de Triomphe -
She checks her manicure
refuses to bear witness -
ignores the flecks of blood
on yes her liable hands
that brush glittered glass
and gore as specks of lint
Massages lotion into a tiny
raw spot flaring for an instant
until it is vanished-banished
She is here - after all for fun
in skinny jeans and ballet
flats - a reinvented imitation
Audrey walking celuloid streets
She will be care-free
No price is too great.
Nothing here is her problem
Though she does need to
spray a bit of cologne under her
nose to block the annoying odd
in stumbling circles - Turns -
with arms akimbo and sings -
above distant crying voices
“Render unto me only pleasure”-
Slurring-sloppily-her silly
scurrilous self talk - sacrilege
in the site of light from Eiffel
Tower to Arc de Triomphe -
She checks her manicure
refuses to bear witness -
ignores the flecks of blood
on yes her liable hands
that brush glittered glass
and gore as specks of lint
Massages lotion into a tiny
raw spot flaring for an instant
until it is vanished-banished
She is here - after all for fun
in skinny jeans and ballet
flats - a reinvented imitation
Audrey walking celuloid streets
She will be care-free
No price is too great.
Nothing here is her problem
Though she does need to
spray a bit of cologne under her
nose to block the annoying odd
smell of inky blood
punctuating an end
she will not cede
Her dancing denial.
determined to twirl
For she is in Paris after all -
City of Light -
punctuating an end
she will not cede
Her dancing denial.
determined to twirl
For she is in Paris after all -
City of Light -
and it will shine -
even through
their tears
when a poem requires an end-note it has failed
This "vacationer" was intended as a metaphor for mindless self-absorption which is truly horrific.
I have edited this since first writing this morning.
even through
their tears
when a poem requires an end-note it has failed
This "vacationer" was intended as a metaphor for mindless self-absorption which is truly horrific.
I have edited this since first writing this morning.