Saturday, August 24, 2013

Springs Eternal

Springs Eternal 

Out south in Bitter Springs
Gusting on a trail of crushed
Cries, comes that train whistle
Scattering shattered 
pieces of blooded heart-ache
Piercing enough to shudder
The peaceful sleep of lovers
Locked in fierce filters of forever
Clutching each other in the sudden chill
Of Passing Dread
In the shimmering keep of dreams 
Out south in Bitter Springs


  1. "shimmering keep of dreams," Nicely done!

  2. I have to say that Bitter Springs sounds like a place I would rather not visit!

  3. Sounds like Bitter Springs has some interesting history...

  4. "Locked in fierce filters of forever
    Clutching each other in the sudden chill"

    Pearl, that is stunning. Sounds foreboding, yet there is safety there as well. Well done.


  5. life too is like season, changes everytime

  6. You've created such a vivid place in the 'shimmering keep of dreams.' Nice use of the prompt words!

  7. "Bitter Springs!" That sums it up nicely!

  8. Intriguing write. Love the name Bitter Springs - it seems very apt!

  9. Very nice! I especially liked the last five lines.

  10. heart ache, heart break; wow! have a nice Sunday

    much love...

  11. lovely! i am about to attempt my Sunday Whirl too. i hope you consider submitting a poem to Pilgrims one day. (

  12. Yes, the train whistle is much like the sound of passing dread. We used to live close to the rail track and there is nothing more comforting than to hold on to the one you love as that timeless warning is sounded. A beautiful piece of writing.

  13. I envisioned an Old West theme, but veered into "Midwest dust bowl". You did it better than I had imagined. Bitter Springs is a great name for a place so desolate! You capture these words nicely! Glad I found your blog, Pearl. Your work is scintillating!

  14. "Bitter Springs" is a wonderful name (although I see that others have said the same!), and such a tale of humanity you've etched for us. Love it, Pearl.

    ~ Misky xx

  15. This made me think of anticipatory grief--that certain knowledge/realization that some day we will lose what is most dear to us. Nicely done.

  16. Incredible creation, Dr. P. Love this.
