Sunday, June 16, 2013

In The Wind

Hi all - Happy Fathers' Day to those who are, love, have or have had fathers who they wish to honor and/or remember.  I committed the cardinal sin and wrote the following into the post without backing up and when my IPAD ran out of juice - my thoughts vanished with it ... I've tried to reconstruct -... but why is it (I believe because it is true) that what we lose - always seems to be far superior than what we try to duplicate.  Nevertheless here is is... Actually, my father would find my resistance to such rules typical - perhaps there is an homage in there as well....


You told me to look for you in the wind
As we lay on our backs in the cool grass 
On that long ago hot summer day
You told me to look for you in the wind
As a breeze lifted and tens of thousands 
Of leaves rustled in filigree sunshine
Floating chestnut blossoms 
In our hair – I could not imagine your
leaving any more than I could imagine
the stopping of the wind – solid heat
you were, as my three year old self 
melted along your side inhaling your turpentine
cologne, your clean hands resting open
On your paint smeared shirt
My artist, poetic, impassioned paternus 
Black hair falling over closed eyes
I inhaled you – into each particle of my being
A canvas on an easel stood off in the full sunlight
Look for you in the wind and you would be there
I did not know you were going anywhere
Did not know that you were comforting as yet
Unborn, yet already fertilized, grief
I looked for you and just as belief was fading
You rose as powdered dust or chestnust blossoms
Sprung from your pine splintered box 
dancing dust whirling on the wind 

I felt the soft whisper of this summer breeze
Touching my grown-beginning to-crease-cheek
I feel the fragrance of paint and turpentine  
in the wind and in the shimmer
the rustle of flowers drifting
on another hot summer 
of filigreed light
and I do not have to look
any longer 
to see 




  1. Nice tribute to your father. I find my father in the breeze too!My Head is Beating with Wishes

  2. This is INCREDIBLY beautiful, poignant and a true song of love. Beautiful, kiddo. Wow. I love the photo too - two determined gazes!

  3. Beautiful words ~ I like the refrain of this line:

    You told me to look for you in the wind

    Happy Father's Day to you~

  4. Beautiful words ~ I like the refrain of this line:

    You told me to look for you in the wind

    Happy Father's Day to you~

  5. This brought tears to my eyes. I love the idea of a father preparing child for grief early on . . . teaching and comforting. I also found the ending to be lovely and healing. Beautiful.
