I am delighted to announce that I have been selected as one of 7 recepients by Patricia Anne McGoldrick to receive this new award created by Hannah Gosselin.
Thank you to Patricia Anne McGoldrick
Patricia Anne
McGoldrick is a Kitchener Ontario writer whose poetry and reviews have been
published in the Christian Science Monitor, The WM Review Connection and, most
recently, at ChapterandVerse.ca, a review of the award-winning, Plain Kate.
Poems published recently include these titles: Neighbourhood Find, Spices of
Childhood, Haiku on Winter at CommuterLit ; Girls and Green Apples in taking a
bite of the apple--revelations anthology; Lockdowns in Verse Afire, volume 9,
Issue 2, 2012. History, literature, the environment and upcycling resources for
bookmaking are active interests, as well; often, the focus of blog posts.
Patricia is a member of The Ontario Poetry Society and the League of Canadian
Poets. Completed the 2009 & 2011 November PAD challenges plus 2012 January
Challenge with A River of Stones! W E B: Patricia-Anne-McGoldrick BLOG: PM_Poet Writer http://www.patricia-anne-mcgoldrick.com/
TWITTER: @pamcgoldrick
In addition to these wonderful achievements I am proud to claim Patricia as a "poeming friend" with whom I have written side by side for many years. Additionally Patricia shared some particularly profound and touching poems in our latest anthology Beyond the Dark Room. Patricia is a wonderful poet as one can easily see by her public acclaim - she is also a fine, gentle, compassionate and empathic soul and I am delighted that she thought of me as a recipient.
Stay tuned for my selected list and seven things that you might not know about me.
Once again my thanks to Patricia and for the opportunity to highlight her here on my blog.
***************************************PART 2. **************************************************
The Saga of the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award continues...
As mentioned above, my good poetic friend, the talented Patricia Anne McGoldrick
was kind enough to nominate me for The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. I in turn have nominated seven others. It
could have been very difficult, if not impossible, to pick just seven, but I am
cheered by the fact that in being so limited I will not be creating an undue
burden on those I did select to find another seven– as so very many wonderful
names remain to be chosen!
(If you choose to
decline, and I do understand the inclination to decline such awards – your name will remain as having been selected and certainly and absolutely no offense will be taken.)
And now, I hear a small marching band playing as I announce my list
of seven in alphabetical order:
Barbara Ehrentreu http://barbaraehrentreu.blogspot.com/
Ina Roy-Faderman http://inourbooks.com/
(with Andrea Heiberg)
Richard Fenwick* http://www.ruiningsterner.com/
Laura Hegfield http://www.shinethedivine.com/
Sharon Ingraham http://www.networkedblogs.com/blog/poet-treehouse
Madeline Begun Kahn* http://www.madkane.com/humor_blog
Meena Rose http://2voices1song.com/
*declined with
The rules that accompany this award are quite simple . 1) thank the
person who nominated you. 2) pick 7 others to receive the “Sisterhood of the
World Blogger Award” 3) write 7 things about yourself. Easy peasy.
Have fun visiting other blogs and getting to know one another even
better than we think we already do!
And so, just when you thought you knew more about me than you would ever want to know...
Seven things about me…that you might not know:
1. I spoke in
full sentences at 8 months old.
2. I rode a trike at 10 months, prompting
some to think I was a “little person.”
3. I read
complete books at age 2, wrote short stories and poems by 6 or 7.
4. I peaked at 9 when everyone else could also
speak, read, and write.
5. I feel a moral imperative to bear
witness and/or to attempt to stop injustice.
6. I am vested
in maintaining a good name and being thought of kindly.
7. I finally accept that I am not likely
to live either in a palm braided shack on a deserted beach nor in another age
in a fully appointed and staffed castle.
thank you Pearl for including me in your list of gifted humans:- )
ReplyDeleteYikes! I think the talented Patricia Anne McGOLDRICK is missing out on her just accolades! Being a DIFFERENT Patricia Anne, I would still agree that Pearl is beyond deserving of a poetry award, especially one that celebrates the sisterhood of poetry souls. Pearl, you DO embody the sweet support of a sister - always there to cheer and encourage. Patricia, it is an honor to be 'tangled up' with your talents, but I know you have a wonderful poetic voice that is all your own. :)I enviously enjoy reading your work. :)
ReplyDeleteAwwww Patricia you have certainly paved the way for sweet dreams for me. Thank you for alerting me to my tumbled up accolades and thank you so very much for your sweet words-they are deeply appreciated and returned in kind. :)
ReplyDeleteFun and entertaining seven facts - but I don't think you should give up on the staffed castle yet, do you? There's oodles of time ...