Sunday, August 23, 2015

in the incomparable sweetness

Cynthia Cole Davis

in the incomparable sweetness 

they tiptoe together -  
bare toes squishing fresh-dropped dung
watching out for 'grownup-enters' creaks
reach for small fistfuls from the burlap bag
and run - run into and over the dawn lit field
wet grass - through corn - jumping mole holes - 
run to the cool edge of the woods and there bury 
their purloined seeds pressing into the untilled earth
with fingers tremulous stoked by stolid solid certainty - 
knowing that before long a vine will sprout another and 
on-until time tumbles - they are ready - and their wine flows –
Now, they lay together tasting the future on their lips - watching 
clouds as the new rise-sun spills- 
chewing on a pilfered stalk – 
farming - 
soy beans into grapes 
until the call to breakfast 


  1. What a beautiful and kind of old-fashioned scene you have set here, Pearl. Makes me yearn for such a time and place. Too bad it has to be interrupted by the call to breakfast! Smiles.

  2. I like the carefree feel of your poem and the trust in the future that only the young have. "Now, they lay together tasting the future on their lips" - this is my favorite line.

  3. Now, they lay together tasting the future on their lips - watching
    clouds as the new rise-sun spills-

    Wonderful lines :D

  4. Nice energy and movement in this. Love the tasting future on their lips. Nice vocabulary as well. Tremulous is a cool word. My grape vines ate about to push over my arbor

  5. There is a joy that only our inner child can find for us.. a joy of mud and soil, of grass and trees... if we could just wake that child.

  6. This: "tasting the future on their lips" is glorious and I love the way that you inverted "sunrise" into "new rise-sun"---makes the reader sit up and take notice of it in a new and attentive way that heightens the senses to it.

  7. I love this whole escapade and felt as if I was running, too , through the fresh earth, planting seeds and dreaming of harvest. Just lovely, Pearl.

  8. Pearl I love what you have done with the words here...a lighthearted, hopeful peace and growth in your beautiful lines!

  9. Wishing and hoping and believing are such assets to children as the future opens up for them. This is beautifully written...I was almost one of them.

  10. An image of tranquillity and beauty in the natural world.

  11. clever use of the words turning into a beauty...a lovely poem...

  12. I love this image of growing.. and that last line made me smile.

  13. It is a great poem. A wonderful image of hopes and dreams.

  14. Sweet and so skillfully painted! 😍

  15. I'd call this a beautiful ode to life ... bravo!
