Sunday, May 12, 2013

Time Running Backward

Time Running Backward 

In the fading sun
long of leg and slightly leaning
on a sturdy thick stick
Stands the Crone –
Soft breeze catches
chants of gone years
as they spill from mouth
to lips –
singing the vow taken
words spoken as a passion promised
drone – delicious on the tongue
in that long ago shimmered setting sun –
She then ushered into it all held in the crook of
Universe’s elbow in the soft bend between
girl and woman-

Standing then young, tall, hair flowing
under the circling of crows before the smooth
walls of the cool cave –
Now, an unclenched fist –
this space of time –
this space of time undamming
All rippling rivers rushing to this night –

Standing in the fading sun
soft light playing in the shimmer of sudden silvered
hair in the woods gentle embrace – annoints her with ambrosia
in the fading sun
she stands tall
in this instant
of time running backward
and renews her vow inhaling the
cool of coming night –
all promises to and from
still and forever binding


  1. Circling crows and this Pearl. thank you

  2. This is another terrific poem, your poems are mesmerizing I get sucked in and forget all else my house might be on fire for all I know

    1. Oh my goodness!!! What a fabulous comment :) I responded privately to you yesterday - but this still stands as one of my all-time favorite responses - how could it not? THANK YOU so very very much - I am beyond delighted that you find yourself 'mesmerized."

  3. You paint a vivid picture indeed. But I think crones have had a bad press over the years! :-)

    1. Awww - I didn't mean anything negative about crones at all! Just conveying the passage of time and commitment to long held vows to and of Nature.

  4. A beautiful smooth liquid write - ran like honey into this welcoming mind.

    Anna :o]
