Saturday, February 16, 2013

fear flown -

fear flown

panic thought-scurries
flicker as neon-blind-flashing
fears flame from their hiding
in soft incandescent candlelight
shatter through the coping frosted glass
smashing mind door upon door upon door
pure rampant panic thought-scurries
root blossoms wildly rioting unbridled through
the rich loamed soil of long held imagining
hidden until this naked
moment under this crisp
white sheet draped legs spread
eagled in this cold-compassion-lack-lab
waves of pain pull me under

and then

I emerge with you wet and tumbled
in birth
and panic scurries across the floor as a billion
filamented vipers to vanish
already forgotten vanquished by the chorus
of our collective cry



  1. Wow! I think I understand this, but even if I am mistaken, the words are magnificent!

  2. Giving birth is the most scariest thing one can do, and I think you captured that well, I also really like the ending,


  3. the rich loamed soil of long held imagining
    hidden until this naked
    moment under this crisp
    white sheet draped legs spread


  4. 'coping frosted glass'..i love that line..and thought..coping is a powerful way to the end..or in this case perhaps a new beginning..

  5. I love where you took these words! Excellent. (I was glad to see a few others wondered about the Mr. Linky format as I did. But I got here so I think I have it figured out)

  6. This is great! I never tried a birth poem as the experience is so oveerhelming, but you have really captured it & you also used the wordle words!

  7. beautifully expressed and wordled Pearl ... I like the slight repetition as well - it gives the poem extra punch ... and I too found myself breathless reading it - not a bad thing

  8. Rampant panic yes, but unbounded joy too at being so clever as to give birth.

  9. `rich loamed soil of long held imagining'- Wonderful image.
