Saturday, June 6, 2015

He lived as though he knew...

"Live not one's life as though one had a thousand years, but live each day as the last." 

- Marcus Aurelius  

He lived as though he knew  …*

Double nickels father smiled at two fives on his cake. 
He and his big black Shepherd dog retired 
East to his country house, 
trading city-stiff for sweatshirts, his greenhouse, 
sojourns with the green frog in the koi pond, 
Camels smoked under starlit skies. 
He did not know he had only one nickel left.

*instructions at imaginary gardens with real toads was to write a piece of precisely 55 words including a quotation


  1. Every moment of everyday is so precious.. not knowing when it will be our last.. how right of you to quote.. lets live and have a blast :D

    Lots of love,

  2. The treasure in each moment is so palpable here, Pearl. A beautiful tribute indeed. ♥

  3. Oh I love the photo....and the poem really hits the heart........very beautiful! So poignant.

  4. So subtly and well done. Really vivid and poignant. Thanks, Pearl. k.

  5. (PS _ my blog on wordpress is manicddaily.) k.

  6. Each with his own fortunes. Some are more fortunate than others! No use dreaming but to give the best for each day! Nicely Dr Pearl!


  7. If you don't really know, maybe better to be ready all the time. Love the image of his life.

  8. What a loving portrait this is! The father is such an archetype, one cannot but be moved to read your description.

  9. Five years of living how one wants to live is not all bad. Especially if there's a loyal dog involved.

  10. Your poem gives us a vivid picture of freedom and choice, and happiness, which we too often are willing to think is beyond our grasp, even when we are looking right at it--the subject of this poem was not lost in that illusion--none of us knows how much time we have left, but very few can live according to your quote. Thanks for the example of one who could.

  11. Lovely photo,and I like the understated poignancy of the poem.

  12. This brought back memories of my dad - he was a Camels smoker.
    Thanks for this.

  13. This brought back memories of my dad - he was a Camels smoker.
    Thanks for this.

  14. This brought back memories of my dad - he was a Camels smoker.
    Thanks for this.

  15. Yes 55 words of wisdom...Each day we are given is a blessing.

  16. wistful - and I agree with Fireblossom ~
