Sunday, May 27, 2012

Clearing the air (unformatted version)

In the Blur burnished barnacles fell --- as powdered chalk in the austere--- flinty gaze of unvarnished truth,--- the cocoon of brittle denial --- cracked, gave way, and with-- the scrape of tongue, --- split wide releasing --- a shimmering shower of words--- As fingered light dawn curled--- into the raised fist of morning sun--- the showers spattered, danced, spilled --- leaving all drenched on the deck--- as unfurled that ship finally sailed--- toward a bright line of blue horizon--- clear ....


  1. Apologies IPAD not permitting correct formatting today...I am away .. Enjoy the day :)

    1. Gorgeous writing, PKP! I especially love: "cocoon of brittle denial" and "the raised fist of morning sun." That is spectacular!

  2. Beautiful! Gave me goosbumps reading that flight to freedom. :)

  3. This is full of beautiful imagery, Pearl. I love your description of dawn. Well wordled!

  4. 'as powder chalk in the austere' loved that

  5. "Raised fist of morning sun" is incredible. You blow me away!

  6. Sometimes computers just don't play fair. I made my hubby laugh this morning as I am not a techie (I'm just a blogger) and he is...Help I cried, "There's a flashing thingy on my screen!" To which he replied, "Love that technical term, dear!"

    No apologies needed for machines. Hope to see the form, eventually. My offering has 'form' too. You can find it here:

  7. You do have way with words ... this is imaginative and unique; lovely weaving of the wordle words; I particular enjoy "the raised fist of morning" which is pretty much how I expect to see it every day!

  8. Pearl - you unwound the ships sails- but more than that. You unleashed a tongue that brought clarity. Stay well even while you are living a life unformatted.

  9. unformatted allows a deep look into a spiraling square of imagery - lovely!
