Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Leonard Cohen - Anthem (Live in London) .... Searching for the light....

Leonard Cohen - Anthem (Live in London) - YouTubeYouTube · LeonardCohenVEVO5.1M+ views · 5 years ago


I’m searching for the light 

in spring … but there in the 

dove gray of pre-dawn 

I  find my soul light flickers

too small a flame -

spirit wakes damp and broken running

streams of unending travails 

broken winged doves 

bells stilled - hope grounded - 

cracked dreams and promises

I seek, the succor of spring 

but the flame is too tiny

 not enough to  light the way 

without help -

 a candle, a flashlight, a tiny torch, a poem, a song


something - to brighten

the unrelenting threat

of gloom …for even though

spring sashays her way 

outside – winter still chills

my blood -in the broken dove 

gray of pre-dawn waking 

I search memories in that flat dove gray

until I find the feel of an infant  

in my arms, satin skin  

against my breast

and as the sun rises 

I  suckle myself in this

sudden conflagration 

light rising from within 

reborn  in the memory 

of milk and honeyed 

days of frangipani and

endless sunlight

shimmering … 

as sudden bells chime 

doves lift skyward  

 yes, oh joyous yes, 

"there is a crack in everything" 

tis true "that's how the light gets in"  


  1. Pearl, you had me at Leonard Cohen! I so love that man and that song! I think we are all searching for the light in spring, but (yes) sometimes the flame is tiny! I enjoyed your sharing of the memory of the infant and how then the transition to the light rising from within. I think sometimes that is what each of us has to do - find the light somehow - within!

  2. Once I saw the prompt took only a moment or two before Leonard visited and I could not get perhaps my favorite quote out of mind.. soooo I quit resisting and wrote around it! Hugs :)

  3. This was wonderful to read this evening - Thank you for this beautiful share.

    1. Hi there "Anonymous" .. annoying isn't that when your name doesn't come up.. Anyooo thank you so very much for your wonderful comment I am delighted you enjoyed.

  4. Ha, I was sure I commented on this......I love the dove-grey of pre-dawn, such a beautiful image.....I think we all need extra sources of light these days, so resonated with this poem very much. Also relate to us finding more light within. Wonderful, Pearl.

    1. Hi there Sherry .. before I wrote I posted a little haiku (in the comments section) I had written it first thing in the morning and I used the same "dove-grey" image - Aw thank you for the wonderful comment - means great deal and yes, oh yes, we need to find more light within for sure in these wacky, frightening tilted times. Hugs.

  5. Loved "The flame is too tiny" i think we all feel that - it was really beautifully crafted, a work of love.

    1. Aww thank you Alan.. I am delighted that you picked up on that image which was central for me.

  6. Beautiful, Pearlj

    1. Thank you .... It is annoying for you , I'm sure, when the post does not identify you.. appreciate your response incognito as well :)

  7. Wow! This is a new favorite of mine--with all the meanings and repetitions of dove grey and the smallness of the light and looking within to nurture your inner child --"even though
    spring sashays her way
    outside – winter still chills
    my blood -in the broken dove
    gray of pre-dawn . . . " We have to look for the crack in our psyche and in our material self and memory to let in the light to nurture ourselves when all seems lost. I love how you weave Cohen through this poem.

    1. Awww Susan... Wow! ...thank you for lighting my evening... I am delighted that you enjoyed.

  8. Pearl,
    Absolutely wonderful to consider Leonard Cohen and his magnificent lyrics, the crack where the light gets in...I was thinking of that song too, as it's perfectly expressive...
    Dove grey mornings are quite disappointing for me..especially their frequency...roll on lighter and brighter days..

    1. Thank you Eileen.. yes, I couldn't get the Leonard Cohen out of mind and so stopped resisting !

  9. Cohen's "Anthem" is a huge favorite of mine, IMO maybe the wisest piece of lyric writing ever put to music. I love your doves and the changing font size throughout your poem, Pearl. Making peace with the "crack in everything" is perhaps at the heart of this life we find ourselves living.

    1. Oh my - do I ever agree that making peace with the "crack in everything" and going further to believe that light can filter in through the cracks is indeed at the heart of "this life we find ourselves living." Thank you so very much for your comment !

  10. I name-checked you in this week's Word List prompt!
