Sunday, March 20, 2016

Consigned to collapse - they stand

Consigned to collapse – they stand

they stand – what were they -whirling
atoms - consigned somehow to those
particular bodies – they stand – con-
signed by the virulence of unholiest
hatred to the edge of collapse –some
to tumble over – they stand –some in
the soft dust of ash - some stumbling
through the finally opened gates –they
stand -some now flown to shine – star-
light in the sky – they return pushing
stones from their graves born to tell a
story that should have been but a tale
of caution – they stand strong and tall
their line circling this world – the Source
shining in the eyes of the newly born –
They stand – the cycle of self continues
their atoms inviolate and firm – perhaps
one or two floating off to still a hand lifted
in hatred – a heart aching in loss – they
stand behind us, with us, before us –


  1. Whirling atoms through this beauty of a piece, Pearl. I like your repetition of they. This piece stands against hatred with the strength of gentleness. And hope. I love the bit with the Source shining from the eyes of the newly born.

  2. What is it that stands with us...a fabulous question to ponder....and I love how you developed this poem...

    'they stand strong and tall
    their line circling this world – the Source
    shining in the eyes of the newly born –
    They stand – the cycle of self continues
    their atoms inviolate and firm'

    The thought of They buoys me!

  3. Returning to tell "a tale of caution"...I like they might stay a hand poised to strike, or comfort a broken heart. A comfort to think we have spirit guides.

  4. Love the knowing mysticism in this Pearl - brought to a flourish with the closing lines - can relate to this, for sure.. Lovely write... With Best Wishes Scott

  5. Fantastic line breaks and hyphenations carefully placed to amp up the layered meanings.

  6. I'm really scared of the anonymity of "they"... maybe there is a piece of us in they.

  7. The piece was just getting more and more intense... creatively.

  8. I like the feel to this....the sense of grave importance and a hint of the magical, too.

  9. I love the sense of permanence and unshakability in these unnamed powers - made me think of standing stones - stonehenge in particular and how the light moves between the stones..stars shine..sun comes and goes..but still..they stand

  10. "They stand behind us, with us, before us" So true Pearl.

  11. cool.

    hopeful notes here.
